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True Camo

TrueCamo® Wildlife and Hunting Apparel

Whether you’re a hunter or just a wildlife enthusiast, the outdoor apparel by HECS is made to change your outdoor experience like no other can. HECS is the first true camo that works on 2 levels, both visually and electrically, by blocking the body’s natural bioelectric output, which will give you an entirely new experience when you’re out in the wild. Our TrueCamo clothing is made for both hunters and wildlife enthusiasts alike.

We know how important it is to have functionality when you’re in the great outdoors, so we make sure to focus on the performance aspect of our apparel. HECS TrueCamo clothing is made from flexible, breathable fabric, so you’ll have a full range of motion that won’t make a game-alerting noise. Our products are made for hunting success by being functional quiet and incredibly comfortable. They are also machine washable and require no special care. Just put it on and enjoy the HECS advantage!

While HECS technologically advanced apparel for hunters and wildlife experts has all the features you need (flexibility, breathability, comfortability, and a proprietary digital camouflage pattern), HECS® takes things to the next level. It’s our patented technology that we use in all of our apparel that separates us from the rest.

HECS Unique Feature

What can HECS technology really do for me in the hunting woods? With HECS, you will find an electrically conductive carbon grid that’s woven into the base cloth, and this carbon grid is the secret behind the incredible advantage.

Through scientific studies, researchers have found that many birds, fish, and animals sense extreme low-frequency electromagnetic energy. It’s also known that fish, mammals, and birds migrate based on Earth’s electromagnetic field. What many hunters don’t know is the energy that is produced through basic body functions like heartbeat and gestation and which is spiked by muscle movement is also a very similar extreme low-frequency field so it should be no surprise that animals also sense the emissions from other living beings as well.

Take your game to the next level
with our innovative technology

When your heart is beating and your muscles are moving, you are putting off an electrical energy field that animals can pick up on.

How does HECS® help? It’s the carbon grid that’s woven into all of our clothing, including the TrueCamo clothing for hunters and wildlife enthusiasts. Like the conductive grid in the door of your microwave oven, the HECS carbon grid blocks that electrical energy that wildlife can detect.

It’s important to note that this does not make you invisible. Wildlife can still see you and can detect scent and unnatural sounds or movements but by blocking your electrical energy, you’ll appear more like an inanimate object to them. This means that when you get in close to wildlife, you’ll see them acting more naturally and generally more relaxed for longer periods of time.

This is what makes HECS® hunting and wildlife apparel the most effective outdoor gear you can own. Get your TrueCamo gear today and experience the outdoors like you never have before.

This is what makes HECS hunting and wildlife apparel the most effective outdoor gear you can own. Get your TrueCamo gear today and experience the outdoors like you never have before.

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