Temporal detection in human vision: dependence on stimulus energy R. E. Fredericksen and R. F. Hess JOSA A, Vol. 14, Issue 10, pp. 2557-2569Abstract We have previously proposed and evaluated an economical model of human performance in tasks requiring spatiotemporal signal detection in spatiotemporal noise [Vision Research (to be published)]. The model was successful in describing human psychophysical performance and provides a means for comparing temporal filters (mechanisms) employed under different stimulus conditions. We present investigations into how estimates of temporal mechanisms depend on the contrast energy of the stimulus. Temporal-sensitivity changes result in co-variation of the cutoff and peak frequencies of the low-pass and band pass mechanisms, respectively, with stimulus energy. The results indicate that sensitivity to high temporal frequencies increases as stimulus energy increases, commensurate with extant physiological evidence in cat and primate.© 1997 Optical Society of America [Optical Society of America]