February 6, 2019 - February 10, 2019
The Pacific Northwest Sportsmen’s Show and Sport Fishing Boat Show® is the largest sportsmen’s show west of the Mississippi and undoubtedly the region’s most anticipated annual event for outdoor adventurers and sportsmen of all ages. This Northwest tradition is the Northwest’s premier Sport Fishing Boat Show, featuring sport fishing gear, drift boats and sleds, fishing equipment, demonstrations and much more. The Pacific Northwest Sportsmen’s Show offers the most extensive resources on fishing and boating, shooting sports, hunting, camping and much more. Grab the latest gear. Browse boats, campers and tent trailers. Discover top-notch camping and backpacking equipment, optics, outdoor clothing and vacation packages. Plus, enjoy fabulous features such as the exciting annual Head and Horns Competition, the much-loved Free Kids’ Trout Pond, the popular Camp Cooking Demonstrations and the latest added feature, Brutus the live Grizzly Bear! Hundreds of vendors and top local and national outdoor experts will fill Portland Expo Center from wall-to-wall with the best in outdoor tools, tips and gadgets. Enjoy free demonstrations, seminars and interactive displays and the most up-to-date information for outdoor enthusiasts of every kind. Plus, connect with guides and outfitters from exciting locations throughout the Northwest and around the world. There is truly something for everyone at the Pacific Northwest Sportsmen’s Show!